Inspection Capital

3.4. Heating

I. The inspector shall inspect:

A. the heating system, using normal operating controls.

II. The inspector shall describe:

A. the location of the thermostat for the heating system;

B. thee energy source; and

C. the heating method.

III. The inspector shall report as in need of correction:

A. any heating system that did not operate; and 

B. if the heating system was deemed inaccessible.

IV. The inspector is not required to:

  • inspect, measure, or evaluate the interior of flues for chimneys, fire chambers, heat exchangers, combustion air systems, fresh-air intakes, makeup air, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air filters, geothermal systems, or solar heating systems.

  • inspect fuel tanks or underground or concealed fuel supply systems.

C. determine the uniformity, temperature, flow, balance, distribution, size, capacity, BTU, or supply adequacy of the heating system.

  • light or ignite pilot flames.

  • activate heating, heat pump systems, or other heating systems when ambient temperatures or other circumstances are not conducive to safe operation or may damage the equipment.

  • override electronic thermostats.

  • evaluate fuel quality.

  • verify thermostat calibration, heat anticipation, or automatic setbacks, timers, programs or clocks.

  • measure or calculate the air for combustion, ventilation, or dilution of flue gases for appliances.

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